Dymedix Diagnostics has collected a number of documents that are often requested by customers. Feel free to browse the categories below and view or download the documents of interest.
Dymedix Disposables Brochure
CLICK HERE to download a PDF version of the Dymedix Disposables Brochure
Lullaby Pediatric Sleep Sensors Brochure
CLICK HERE to download a PDF version of the Lullaby Pediatric Sensors Brochure
Product Catalog
CLICK HERE to download a PDF version of the Dymedix Diagnostics Product Catalog
Cleaning Instructions
CLICK HERE to download a one page document describing a number of cleaning and sterilization options many of our customers have successfully used with our reusable sensors.
PSG Configuration Instructions
Some of the Dymedix Diagnostic FM Airflow Interface Cables provide multiple output signals and may require modification of PSG software to add an additional channel of airflow sensor information. We have done our best to provide brief instructions on PSG software configuration. However, it may be best to contact your PSG manufacturer in this regard. Click any of the following documents of interest.
Cadwell Easy III PSG System FM4 and FM5 Airflow Sensor Setup
Embla PSG System FM4 and FM5 Airflow Sensor Setup
Nihon Kohden PSG System FM4 and FM5 Airflow Sensor Setup
SomnoStar PSG System FM4 and FM5 Airflow Sensor Setup
Xltek PSG System FM4 and FM5 Airflow Sensor Setup
Instructions For Use (IFU)
CLICK HERE to download the IFU document for Dymedix Precision Gold Disposable EEG Electrodes
CLICK HERE to download the IFU document for Dymedix TriplePlay Airflow Sensor
CLICK HERE to download the IFU document for Dymedix Dual Electrode EMG Patch
CLICK HERE to download the IFU document for Dymedix FastTrack Effort Pack
CLICK HERE to download the IFU document for Dymedix PerfectFit 3D Effort Belt System
CLICK HERE to download the IFU document for Dymedix PerfectFit 2 Adult Effort Belt System
CLICK HERE to download the IFU document for Dymedix PerfectFit Respiratory Belt Effort Module
CLICK HERE to download the IFU document for Dymedix AccuSnore Sensor
CLICK HERE to download the IFU document for Dymedix SnuggleFit Effort Belt System