For over 15 years Dymedix has led the sleep diagnostic world with sensors designed to fit your needs. Our unique PVDF material provides comfort and unsurpassed accuracy throughout our wide range of adult and pediatric sleep sensor products. Discover the difference that Dymedix can make in your life.

  1. Disposable and Reusable Sensors and Electrodes
  2. Unsurpassed Speed, Sensitivity and Patient Comfort
  3. Comprehensive Lullaby Pediatric Family of Sensors

  • Lullaby Pediatric Products
  • Airflow Sensors
  • Respiratory Effort Belts
  • EEG and EMG Surface Electrodes

Dymedix Diagnostic’s exclusive line of physiological sleep sensors are all based on a technology called polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF). PVDF is a unique polarized plastic film that delivers very fast (5 milliseconds) and reliable signals when the PVDF material is excited by movement, pressure, vibration and temperature change.

This technology allows for the detection of apneas, hypopneas, UARS, snoring and respiratory effort, all provided in disposable and reusable sensor options.

Always Innovating

Dymedix sleep sensors are the recommended sensor product on the market for the Inspire Sleep Apnea CPAP Alternate System.  Designed with ultimate comfort in mind to help you get the goodnight sleep you have been missing.  We’re constantly innovating new technologies with your needs in mind.

Our Technology Means Better Results – Free Whitepaper Download

Discover the Dymedix difference. Our PVDF technology offers a superior level of pediatric sleep testing accuracy to ensure the best results for your child. Comfort, innovation, and results are our number one goal in helping to make sure everyone gets a good nights sleep

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